Monday, January 29, 2007

The Big Clean Up

One of the major perks of living on the job is the fact that I can hold private functions in the house. I have hired out the Hall for several birthday parties, lunches, wine tasting evenings and the like, and I always enjoy seeing the place being used as it should be. After all, a medieval Great Hall was built for feasting and merriment. It was never meant to be a room to tiptoe in and out of reverentially. Its purpose is to provide a perfect place to party, and this is what it did over the weekend. Better still, this was my party, rather than one for the public.

Well, by "my party" I actually mean "my daughter's party". She has reached the official state of adulthood and the occasion was marked in style. The only request she made with regards to the festivities was that there should be balloons. I duly obliged, hence the wondrous balloon model I subsequently fashioned as a conversation piece.

Admittedly, many of the balloons were ones I had left over from children's events. I appraised the logo and iconic hedgehog emblazoned across them and set to work with a black marker pen. Brilliant. No one would ever guess that they were not professional, shop bought balloons. Well, given the dim lighting and a few drinks, anyway.

I feel that my quality balloon decorations, hand crafted banner, and assorted novelty items were a key factor in the success of the party.

The only downside is that now I have to face the clearing up. The food and drink were consumed on the night, with glasses and plates brought through to the kitchen the morning after. The now wrinkled balloons still hang forlornly from the rafters though, and hundreds of little metallic "18"s and "Happy Birthday"s are stuck in every crevice. The multicoloured streamers from countless party poppers languish under tables, waiting to snag on any passing heel to be tracked further through the house. I need to take down the disco lights and move the big speakers from the Minstrel's Gallery. Part of me is reluctant. After most functions and events I have to get the house back in order by 12 noon the following day, preferably before the volunteers and visitors arrive. There is still another month to go before we open to the public again. Surely I can think of another party opportunity before then?


Anonymous said...

The last of the mince pies gone now, eh?
And how have you got your balloons to wrinkle so quickly? In past years, it has taken till August for our Christmas balloons to reach a fully wrinkled and interesting state, still hanging on the curtain rails.

Anonymous said...

There is one particular festive (festered?) robin who emerged from our decoration box nearly fifteen years ago, and who has been around ever since...he sits gracefully decaying on the candleholder of one of our pianos whilst all around we make Miss Havisham's place look good...

I can recommend a touch of neglect in these (I believe) Quentin Crisp once grandly observed you don't notice any additional dust gathering after the first eighteen months.