This is the time of most activity in the house for the bats. Each morning the pile of poo seems to be bigger and wider.
The problem I currently have is that the bats seem to be present during the day as well. Usually they fly about the Great Hall at night and then return to their attic roost for the daylight hours. However, over the weekend I noticed bat poo and even tiny splashes of bat wee on the tables after I taken the covers off and dusted them. I suspect the little buggers have moved in full time. If so, that presents a whole new challenge for protecting the contents.
This sounds like a job for............Batwoman!!!!
In the meantime, I have been wondering what is spelt out on the sheet. It appears to end "...le"? Have you rashly written "shithole" on the sheet and so the bats are merely following instructions?
Tiny little bat nappies? From the Pampers range, perhaps?
Haven't you twigged yet? the (nocturnal) Batman is nearly always accompanied by the (diurnal) boy wonder - that must be Robinshit...heavens to faeces Commissioner Doris!
Alternatively via the french connection (vis a vis the "LE")... can it be that it sticks like blanket to the sheet?
Reg - it is actually the last two letters of "Long Table" but the bats regard it as a shithole nonetheless.
Mym - how very dare you! Those are my furry friends!
Anonymous - they would have to exceptionally tiny. And catching the bats to change them is going to be as time consuming as cleaning up after them after letting them go au naturel.
Cogidubnus - merde!
A Bat Splat Mat?
Use it to fertislise very small garden plots?
As bats are protected creatures, you can't move them out - how about moving everything else out, and doing the whole show in the courtyard?
Alternatively, suspending the sheets somewhere between bats and visitors heads looks good - I'm sure with a bit of input from the design team that brought you the Maize Maze and the Nursery Rhyme Walk it could become a real crowd-pleaser.
Or, of course, issue bat-hats to the public.
Bat scat SPLAT for nature-loving poo perverts.
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